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Cara agar wajah bersih berseri dengan bahan alami

 Berikut beberapa cara untuk mendapatkan wajah putih berseri dengan bahan alami: 1. **Lidah Buaya**: Oleskan gel lidah buaya pada wajah, biarkan selama 20-30 menit, lalu bilas dengan air. Lidah buaya membantu melembapkan dan mencerahkan kulit. 2. **Madu dan Lemon**: Campurkan satu sendok makan madu dengan beberapa tetes air lemon. Oleskan pada wajah dan biarkan selama 15 menit sebelum dibilas. Madu memberikan kelembapan, sedangkan lemon membantu mencerahkan. 3. **Yogurt dan Madu**: Campurkan yogurt dengan sedikit madu. Oleskan pada wajah dan biarkan selama 20 menit. Ini dapat membantu mencerahkan kulit dan mengurangi minyak. 4. **Beras**: Rendam beras dalam air selama beberapa jam, kemudian haluskan. Oleskan pasta ini pada wajah dan biarkan hingga kering sebelum dibilas. Beras dapat membantu mengangkat sel kulit mati. 5. **Tomat**: Gosokkan irisan tomat pada wajah dan biarkan selama 15-20 menit. Tomat mengandung lycopene yang dapat membantu mencerahkan dan menyegarkan kulit. 6. **K...

what is a phobia and what causes it

 “A phobia is an irrational fear of something that can involve various objects or situations. This fear not only makes the sufferer avoid certain objects, but also causes physical symptoms when facing the feared object, such as cold sweat, shortness of breath, paleness, anxiety, and even loss of consciousness.

Thedoctormedical, united states – Phobia is an excessive and disproportionate fear of a particular object, animal, situation or activity. The basic difference between ordinary fear and phobia is the intensity and excessive fear experienced by sufferers. Examples of common phobias include a phobia of heights, spiders and public places.

What's the Cause ?

Excessive fear can happen to anyone, generally appearing in someone from childhood, adolescence, until entering the age of more than 30 years. Most people can probably overcome the fear they feel. However, for others, the fear will cause physical symptoms and interfere with daily activities. 

According to the type, the following are conditions that underlie excessive fear that occurs in a person: 

1. Specific or simple phobia

Specific or simple phobia is a type of phobia when a person has a very specific fear of a particular object, animal, situation or activity. Usually, this type is more common in children and adolescents. 

Several factors that can increase a person's risk of experiencing a specific type of exaggerated fear are traumatic experiences during childhood, a family history of the same condition, and environmental factors.

2. Complex phobia

Complex phobias generally appear in adulthood and develop when a person is faced with certain situations. This type often involves complex and varied fears of various objects or situations. 

Some of the factors that can cause a person to develop complex phobia include a combination of life experiences, brain development, and genetics. In addition, mental health conditions such as stress and depression can also increase a person's risk of experiencing excessive fear.

How Can Someone Experiencing Excessive Fear?

The amygdala, the part of the brain responsible for detecting fear, plays an important role in the development of excessive fear. When a person is faced with a dangerous stimulus, the amygdala will respond by sending signals to the body to prepare itself for the situation. 

This response is known as the fight-or-flight response , which involves an increase in stress hormones and prepares the body to fight or flee.

In addition, the amygdala also plays a role in storing threatening stimuli into the brain's memory. This explains why the brain easily recognizes objects or situations that cause fear and responds with a fight-or-flight response .

What Are the Signs of a Phobic Person?

Phobias can exhibit a variety of symptoms both physically and emotionally. Common physical symptoms include cold sweats, shortness of breath, palpitations, tremors, dizziness and nausea. 

Meanwhile, the emotional and behavioral symptoms associated with phobias include feelings of excessive anxiety, panic, tension, and the desire to avoid the object or situation that is the source of fear. 

Apart from that, you also need to know that excessive fear and not getting treatment can interfere with daily activities and the quality of life of someone who experiences it.


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